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PASB MedTech Solutions was founded in 2017 by partners Paul and Sarah Bassler

They have a shared passion for improving access to health technology that enhances patient care, protects healthcare workers, and allows better allocation of stretched healthcare resources.

Who We Are

Paul Bassler

MBA, P.Eng
Co-founder and Managing Partner

PASB MedTech Solutions is managed by Paul Bassler. Combining his decades of experience in engineering design, manufacturing and project management with consulting experience in medical device regulatory affairs and commercialization strategy, Paul brings a unique and holistic perspective to established and early-stage medtech companies seeking market access support. Paul has degrees in mechanical engineering and business administration to complement his 25+ years of professional experience in North America and Europe. In his free time, Paul enjoys competitive running and playing music with his three children.

Sarah Bassler

M.ASc., P.Eng.
Co-founder and Senior Partner

Sarah is a chemical engineer and has worked for over 20 years as a regulator, consultant, and researcher. As Senior Partner, she prides herself on strong client relationships built on trust, responsiveness, and attention to details. Fluent in German, Sarah supports clients large and small in regulatory strategy, quality system development, and customized training solutions, and excels in tackling all challenging regulatory questions. She enjoys volunteering, hiking, and spending time with her family.